1 January 2016

A. Karma Flitit Has Gone Missing

Sherlock Holmes’ friend A. Karma Flitit has gone “off the grid” and Holmes is unable to locate her anywhere. As described in The Case of the Worthless Newspapers, Karma is attempting to sell the La La Times for $300 million. With that kind of money at stake, Sherlock fears the worst.

A Sinister Secret Society Might Be Involved

Just hours before midnight on December 31, 2016, Mr. Holmes receives an mysterious old book that indicates that a secret society might be at work behind the scenes. He instructs Dr. Watson to open a new case, that he calls: The Case of the Radically Open Secret Society. You can read what they know so far by going here.

A. Karma Flitit

Read: The Case of the Worthless Newspapers: Calling All Irregulars – this will get you up to speed and introduce you to the tools that the Baker Street Irregulars use in coordinating their detective work.

Read: The Case of the Radically Open Secret Society: NOC NOC – Using the tools you learned about in Calling All Irregulars you will be able to help Sherlock find A. Karma Flitit and learn what the mysterious book means.